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The Administration Department is responsible for recruiting, staffing, budgeting, training, and administrating the operations of Joint Services. The office is staffed by a Director, Finance Assistant, Personnel Assistant, and part–time Administration Clerk.

The staff of the Administration Department is responsible for:

  • Administering the agency based on the directives of the Joint Services Board and working in conjunction with other state and county agencies. This includes the Department of Justice, Sheriff’s Department, Police Department, Fire Department and other law enforcement and rescue agencies within the county.
  • Developing the annual budget in conjunction with the above by coordinating the requests of the departments within Joint Services as well as the requests of the fire and law enforcement agencies that are served. In addition, having the budget approved by the Joint Services Board, City Council, and the County Board of Supervisors
  • Recruiting and hiring employees, and administering employee benefits such as health and life insurance; retirement benefits; vacation and sick leave.
  • Performing all financial transactions including payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, short and long term debt services, fixed assets, and equity accounts.
  • To bill for false alarms attended to by the Police, Sheriff’s, and Fire Departments